Indy Civic Hack 2021

65 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5
65 Registered Allowed team size: 1 - 5

This campaign is over.

starts on:
Aug 13, 2021, 04:00 PM UTC (UTC)
ends on:
Aug 29, 2021, 04:00 PM UTC (UTC)


Each team is required to post some sort of presentation/solution on this platform (level playing field). The solution doesn't have to be fully functional and could be more of a "click-through-prototype", mock-up, or wireframes. This hackathon is less concerned with the tech than the ideas of how tech could be leveraged in an overall solution. The judging criteria is equally weighted between: fit for the challenge, creativity, and feasibility. So a presentation of a solution that clearly addresses how the solution helps neighborhoods come together...and is interesting/unique/innovative...and appears that it could be implemented (with the right resources) -- that's what we're looking for!

Please post questions in the "discussion" area (menu item on the left).

Thanks again for your time and efforts to help your community!!

Tim Hovious

Tim Hovious currently serves as the Account/RevOps Manager for Level Up Development, an Indy-based, custom product development company. Tim has been in the custom software and app development space for nearly a decade, working alongside more than 30 different entrepreneurs and enterprise-level clients to help bring their digital solutions to life.

Kate Kotan

With a passion for public interest technology, Kate Kotan serves as Indianapolis and Marion County’s Constituent Digital Experience Manager. In this role, she partners with the 46 City departments and County agencies to investigate public-facing process improvements and ultimately deploy digital service and communication solutions. Her background in the arts, design, and community development brings a unique perspective to the technology space. She holds a graduate certificate from SAIC in Visual Communication and a MFA from the University of Alabama.

Kaitlyn Christian

Kaitlyn is a Director of Engagement and Analytics at MPH. She holds a Master of Public Administration (MPA) focused in Nonprofit Management, following a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies with a minor in Political Science, both from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Kaitlyn is skilled in written and oral communication, project management, research design, data analysis, and data visualization. She is passionate about data accessibility and cross-sector collaboration.

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